Monday, February 9, 2009

"The Message of the Five Angels" - Revelation Chapter 14:6-20

This week's study was, once again, fabulous! I really commend all of you on your participation in the topic. You guys make this class both fun and educational.

The topic of discussion was the messages of the five angels of Revelation 14:6-20. Once again we followed the proper guidelines of interpreting escatological scripture. First, we identified the setting (place and time). Then we identified the characters involved. And finally, we interpreted the declarations (prophesies, warnings, announcements) and the time frames in which they must take place.

The setting in this passage is in heaven at the mid-point of the seven year tribulation. We can determine this by the transition between verse 5 and verse 6. John did not make a transition in either location or time. Therefore, we won't either. We can then assume all is as it was in the last passage.

The characters involved are John the writer, five angels as messengers, an angel to distribute the judgement of God, a group of faithful martyred saints, the recipients of God's judgement and "One like the Son of Man". We have already identified John as the writer. The five angels are, without doubt, heavenly due to their origin (heaven) and their proclamations (righteous). The angel that distributes God's judgement is also heavenly based on his obedience. The saints are easily identified. The recipients of God's judgement would be those who do not heed the warnings of the five angels. The only real challenge identifying a character came in this "One like the Son of Man". Although, we were quick to unanimously determine that He is Jesus Christ. For one, this is a common reference to the Messiah throughout scripture. Secondly, the act of reaping is just only for the sower. And thirdly, He's wearing a crown (hint, hint).

The passage can be broken down by it's events. The first event is the proclamation of the first angel. This angel carries the everlasting gospel. Angel number one additionaly declares that the inhabitants of the earth are required to "fear God", "give Him glory" and "worship Him". This, in context, has both consequence and reward. The consequence being the events of verses 19 & 20. The reward coming in verses 12, 13 & 16.

Event number two is the prophesy of the second angel. This angel declares that the ruling world religion (Babylon) is "fallen". This could refer to the literal city. The destruction of the literal city will occur in chapter 18. The Babylon of this chapter, taken in context with the events of chapter 13 (a proclamation by the "false prophet" that all shall worship the "Beast" and the image of the "Beast" (Anti-Christ), is no longer significant. There will be no need for a one-world religion when the earth will be host to a resurrected messiah (Anti-Christ). Why participate in worship services when one can worship their god face to face?

Event number three comes in the form of a warning delivered by angel number three. The angel simply states that all worshippers of the "Beast" and those who receive his mark will get a full taste of God's wrath. Again, there are rewards and consequences (verses 12, 13, 16, 19 & 20). The forth event is very rewarding to the saint. Verses 12 & 13 deal directly with the obedient and faithful "Great Tribulation" saints. Although verse 12 tells us that these will most certainly die, they will also be rewarded for their obedience to God and their faith of Jesus. Verse 13 reveals through a "voice from heaven" that these are "blessed" and they will receive rest and their works shall be their legacy. The "voice from heaven" is revealed as the Spirit. How cool is it that in just two short verses all members of the triune God recognize the faithful coming out of the most turbulent time in history? From my perspective it is beyond cool.

The next event is actually a more descriptive version of the last. Verses 14-16 declare to us that the death of the saints is actually the Lord reaping His harvest. It is in these verses that the one "like the Son of Man" uses a sharp sickle to reap the harvest. This indicates that this will not be a comfortable thing. There will be no physical comfort for those that will be harvested, but spiritually they can take comfort in the previous verses. It is this commentators opinion that the Lord's reaping of the earth will practically eliminate believers from the earth by the end of the tribulation.

The last event won't be comfortable for anybody still remaining on the earth. It is the pouring out of God's wrath through the last half of the tribulation, culminating with the battle of Armegedon. The fierceness of this battle is described by the result. That result being the Valley of Megido being filled 5-6 feet high in blood. That valley is roughly 180 miles long by one and a half miles wide. All the blood will be of those that rebelled against the One and Only God. It is interesting that an angel shall pronounce this judgement and another will administer it.

Be on the right side. God bless and I'll see you next week.

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